Sunday, May 19, 2013

Activate the New Facebook Look

      Activate the New Facebook Look.

Facebook, just after changing its look and format, has once again made a big change with its look. The new look is very impressive and makes you feel very fresh and has made it even easier to use it! 
The new Facebook look! Isn't it Awesome! 

Follow the steps below to get the new look for you profile:

1) First of all, log into your Facebook account.

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2) Go to

3) Now go to the bottom of the page and click the "Try the New Look" button.

4) This will add you to the Waiting List for the New Look.

 Facebook will notify you, as soon as they have created the new look for you. Just wait for a few days!

              Hope, I helped you!

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Saturday, April 27, 2013

Create a Folder without any name.

We all create many folders for various purpose in our day to day life. In some folders we keep our favorite songs and in some photos. But have you ever imagined to create a folder without any name? You might have tried that by deleting its name? But the result that you would have got, is a name 'New Folder' appearing automatically. So what you can do to create a folder without any name? Just follow the simple steps mentioned below and you will have a folder created without any name!

The Steps are as follows:

  1. Create a New Folder by right clicking and choosing the New option and then clicking Folder option or by pressing Ctrl+Shift+N.
  2. Now hold down the Alt key and go to the numeric key pad and type 255.
  3. Now press Enter key! 
You're done. You will see a folder without any name on the screen! (the trick may not work in XP)

Saturday, April 6, 2013

10 ways to have a 'Great' Facebook Profile.

10 ways to have a 'Great' Facebook Profile.

Many of us want to have a Great Facebook profile on which everyone likes to post things and you get many likes from friends and appear to be very popular! But its easy, really, to be popular or well known on Facebook, you don't have to be any Celebrity, just follow these steps and feel the difference. The ten steps below aren't anything Extraordinary but simple things to make you profile Likable.

1) Profile Picture: Your profile picture is the first thing that anyone see on your profile, so choose it right. Upload your best photo to use as profile picture. It should not burled or of very low resolution. taking your photograph in natural light with the cloths on your body that fits you would be a better option!

1) Always use your own photo as your profile cover, not of any celebrity.
2) Have a fresh look while taking the photograph. Use any face-wash and comb your hair properly or the way you like styling it.
3) Be sure no one else is in the photograph.
4) Have a nice smile on your face, no one like an angry face!
5) Remember good memories while taking the photo to have a positive impression on your face.

2) Profile Cover: Studies says that people are attracted and influenced more to images than words. Your profile cover covers a good amount  of space that your can use to impress others and show your personality. Once again, use your own photo, photo collage or your any photo with some stylish look as your profile cover rather that those copied from any websites related to quotation or of any celebrity, cars, etc.

1) You can use Adobe Photoshop to create your own great facebook profile cover.
2) If you can't make it yourself, you can send me your photo(s) and I'll create it for you for free!
3) Try adding some text on it, but not too much.

3) Fill your About section correctly: Fill it in a way so that anyone can easily understand you or may be recognize you. Don't leave any section unfilled. Specify you Job, add your High School and  also add the names of classmates as much as possible, because it makes them find you easily! Be sure you have filled your About You section nicely and by remaining yourself. Never lie, specify your correct Hometown and current city. Fill your Basic Info in the same way. Now it comes to Contact Info, provide each and every detail on your contact Info if you are feeling comfortable with that. The Favorite Quotations section provides you an opportunity to show your personality and attitude. Write the quotations that shows your attitude and those you really like as they are connected to your behavior and attitude.

4) Have a regular Update of your profile: Whenever you go anywhere, update your location with your close friends and family (only). Never do it publicly as it may harm you. Hmm, you went to a new Restaurant and liked it, find it on Facebook and like their page and tell your friends that you liked it! you listened a new Band's Song and liked it, do the same! It will make people take you as a source of new information so they will always try

5) Like others posts: Like your friends post but click the Like button even if you don't like the post to make them feel that they are important in your views and you take them seriously. As a result you will start getting more and more likes from them on your every post.
 But be sure not to over like posts. Do it for only some posts about 70% post not 100%.

6) Status Update: Low frequency, High quality! Updating your status too much will make people ignore you. It would be better if you post less, (but not too less) but use high quality post. while posting, be yourself and be confident. Post images at least one per day and tag some of your friends, and write a good description for it, not too long, write good!

7) Don't be 'shy':Post on others wall, Poke friends (but in a limit), chat with them frequently. If someone is online, have a chat with him/her. Don't think what will they think, or Oh I don't know them properly, or what will he/she think? Come on they are not going to think any thing! This is a Social Networks, thats why they are here! Chat confidently and do not lie on chat as it may decrease your self confidence level during the chat. Send messages to friends (but not too much, never use 'Good Morning' messages as they can make people ignore you)

8)Wish Happy Birthday: Wish Happy Birthday to friends. Try writing the message or the wall post yourself rather than coping quotes from any website. It will increase the value of your post on their wall because others will write like 'Wish you happy birthday, May you live long!' and something like songs,

9)Know the power of Sharing:Anything you enjoyed on the internet, just share it on your profile with your friends. It can impress others and they my always try to get in touch with you for more new things. But don't share stupid things like those posts that says' Share it, if you love your mother' or ' 1 share=100 wishes'. You know better that wishing and prayers are done in mind not by sharing those stupid posts!

10)You're Done!: Try to maintain your profile and be happy with it, never think that his or her profile is better and he/she is appearing to be a little bit more popular than me. You just try, how will it happen if you don't try? Have a look on some great people's profile and try the things that they have used UP!

Saturday, March 30, 2013

How to add Facebook Like Box to your Blog.

How to add Facebook Like Box to your Blog.

 A blog can get a lot of visitors through Facebook. Facebook is a great way to keep your visitors stay connected to your Blog. But for this they have to like your page on facebook. They might not want
to search so much for your page. So, what you have to do is to provide the like box on your site so that they can  easily like your page as soon as they visit your Blog. Following are the steps to add a Facebook Like Box to your Blog.
1) Open your Facebook page and copy its full URL. 

2) Go to Like Box Configuration  page and paste your page's URL in the box where you have to give your page's URL. 

3) Now set your Like box's Width, height and stream and then click on Get the Codes.
(Before Clicking Get the codes, see the preview to get satisfied.

4) Choose the iframe option and then copy the full code. 

5) Open your blog and choose Edit in HTML option in the Template Menu and place the code wherever you want. (It would be better if you place the code in the sidebar.) 

6) Click on Save.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Get more Likes to your Facebook Page.

Get More Likes On Your Facebook Page!

Get more Likes for your Facebook Page.

Many of us just wonder by see that some Pages on Facebook with a great number of Likes and then we also want the same. So, to achieve it, we post many things on our page, and waste a lot of time on it. But whats the result? We get very less or sometimes even no success and after few days we give up and either delete the page or just leave it.
                                                                But getting so much likes is not really so Hard. Try to follow the following steps to get maximum Likes!

1) Share your Page and new contents on your Profile.

Before you share anything about your page, first check that you are somewhat popular among your friends and you have good number of friends. If everything is positive then share your Page on your Profile and the contents of your page on your Profile and be sure that you choose Friends of Friends or Public in the Privacy Option.

2) Make some of your friends Page Administrator.

Select wisely your those friends who you think to be popular and are active on Facebook and who can help you grow your page. Ask them to send Invitations to their friends and share your page on their Profiles. It will Boost Up your new likes!

3) Post High Quality Materials.

Remember that now you are not posting anything on your profile on which your friends and family members just give Likes whether the post is great or boring. Now you are posting on behalf of your page and the contents will be shown in others News Feeds and they will only give a like to your post if it is good and attracts them. If your Posts are really of high quality, they might attract the viewers to Like your Page.

4) Tag Friends in photos.

Tagging friends in photos helps to get more Likes to the photos. But remember, do not tag very few friends and also not too much. Try tagging 5 – 15 Friends in your photos. Tagging friends in photos increase the post reach and hence can also Increase the Likes to your Page!

5) Use Page Insights.

Facebook has provides a great tool Facebook Page Insights. Observe the type of posts that the users have liked the most and also the time when your posts got the Maximum Likes. Use this data to get the Maximum likes to your posts next time.

Now a Special Way to increase your Likes!

Go to and Sign Up (thats free). Then on the sidebar choose the Free Points then choose any option to earn free points. When you have good numbers of points, go to Add Site/Page and add your Facebook page and set the points for each like. Then see the MAGIC! Hope these steps would help you to increase the Likes of your Facebook Page.Thanks.
- Ritwik Singh

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Create your Own Facebook Covers Using Photoshop

Create our Own Facebook Covers Using Photoshop.


Facebook has provided a good amount of space on the top of your profile called the Timeline Cover. It is a great way to show your personality and show some creativity. If your Timeline Cover is very interesting, surely your profile would also look very interesting. But why people run to search a good profile cover for their Timeline on the net instead they can make their own personalized Profile Cover. So, in this post I've demonstrated on how to make your own Facebook Profile Cover. 
1. Open a new file in Adobe Photoshop either by going to File menu and clicking New option or by pressing Ctrl+N. Set the width at 851 pixels and height at 315 pixels.      

2. Now select the Gradient Tool from the Toolbox and then select the colors of the Gradient tool in the Gradient Editor on the Option Window. Then go back to the Image Window and apply the Gradient color.

Click here to choose the color of Gradient Tool

Selecting Colors for the Gradient Tool.

3. Now we are going to add some effects to our image. Go to the Filter menu and go to the Pixelate option then click on the Crystallize option and then adjust your Cell Size then click OK.


4. Now again go to the Filter option and select the Render option then click on the Lens Flare option. Place the Lens Flare and then click on OK.

5. Now we are going to put some text on the image. Go to the toolbox and select the Type Tool. Now type some text on the image, say, your name.

6. Now go to the toolbox and select the Rectangular Marquee Selection Tool. Now select the text area and then press Ctrl+C to copy the selection.

7. Now press Ctrl+V to paste the selection. Now right click the text that you have just pasted and choose the Free Transform option and then rotate it at some angle, enlarge it or just change the shape-size of the text. Repeat this step about 5-10 times to make your image look attractive.

8) Now I'm going to make the cover look a little bit more beautiful, so I'm going to add some glowing linings to it.

9) First make a New Layer by pressing Ctrl+Shift+N and set its Opacity around 40% then press Enter. 

9) Now to add linings, first got to the tool box and select the Pen tool.

10) Now make the linings on the image with the Pen Tool.  Now again go to the toolbox and select the brush tool and choose a simple round brush with a diameter not more than 7 pixels. Then go to the Layers Window and select the Paths option. Right click the Work Path option and select the Stroke Path option.

11) Stroke Path dialog box will open, choose Brush tool from the drop-down menu and select the Simulate Pressure. Then Press Enter.

12) You can also add you picture, with the help of Clone Stamp Tool, to the cover to make it more personalized.  Click here, to learn how to use Cone Stamp Tool.
Right now, you have created your own Timeline Cover for your Profile on Facebook.
 Final Product